Maryam Rajavi: For an Iran without the death penalty

Maryam Rajavi

Several countries have abolished the death penalty for offenses after an outcry of the importance of the human right to life. In Iran, the Iranian resistance has kept on advocating for the abolishment of the execution penalty for years. The need to abolish the penalty comes from the view that it is an inhumane practice. Also, it advocates for the need to end torture and forms of rights abuses in Iran. Iranian Resistance’s President-elect Maryam Rajavi declared the abolition of the death penalty in Iran. provides insights on the Iranian experience and the need for a better Iran without inhuman punishments.

Iran ranks second in the world for the number of executions in the world. The number of executions recorded in the state shows that the killings in the country alter the reality of human rights protection. This means that the frequency of execution in Iran as capital punishment is high. Capital punishment does not sit well with various organizations that find the act as a sign of torture and inhumanity.

An appeal to remove the penalty in Iran

Various offenses are currently punishable by death in Iran. These include:

  • Sexual offenses such as adultery, fornication, sodomy, rape, incest, and lesbianism.
  • Drinking alcohol
  • Drug trafficking
  • Theft
  • Murder
  • Apostasy
  • Cursing the prophet
  • Waging war
  • Corruption
  • Armed robbery
  • Espionage or political opposition

Maryam Rajavi continues to advocate for the abolition of the death penalty in Iran. Human rights violations contribute to the weaknesses of international policies in the state, the human rights need to be respected, and the President-elect of the Iranian Resistance advocates for an end to these executions.

Needless to say, most of these atrocities should not be punishable by death. The issue has become global due to Maryam Rajavi's efforts to spearhead the Call for Justice Movement. Modern communication has ensured that everyone knows what is happening in the world. It has created global awareness in the push to abolish such executions.

The experience as a witness to large-scale executions

Spending years in prison and confinement influenced Maryam Rajavi's need to advocate for human rights. She was in prison for almost five and half years. For the period that she was in prison, she was in solitary confinement for one year.

During that time, she witnessed large-scale executions. She mentions that she could count the number of people who received the capital punishment of death.

Upon her imprisonment, she was surprised by the number of people locked up for capital punishment. Furthermore, she realized that the number of executions was too high due to many massacres. Rajiv had an experience of the massacre of her sisters in the prison in Isfahan. This experience triggered her fight for a better Iran.

The Call-for-Justice Movement

The massacre triggered the determination of Resistance Units in Iran to resonate with victims' messages in the Call-for-Justice Movement. Maryam has influenced the Iranian people not to give up on their fight to abolish brutal punishment. Maryam fights for the prosecution of the executioners who occupy seats of power in Iran. They will not forgive nor forget the atrocities that occurred.

Recent events in Iran witnessed the execution of a minor who had committed a crime. Despite the atrocities that individuals commit, it is inhuman to sentence people, especially minors to death. The Iranian authorities continue to defy international obligations as they continue to execute child offenders. The egregious violation of the right to life is and the Call-for-Justice Movement advocates for an Iran without such penalties.

Final remarks: Maryam’s view on Iranian capital punishments

The right to life is an essential right for every human being. Violation of this right to life is a significant crime due to humanitarian reasons. Maryam views killing a person as a wrong act. Killing an individual is even condemned as stated in the Quran. The vicious methods of death such as massacres and hanging have contributed to the advocacy for human rights. Maryam Rajiv decided to take action after witnessing her sisters' murders. IT spearhead and contributed to her fight against oppression.

The injustice in the land of Iran has seen thousands of political prisoners, innocent women, and minors are hanged, murdered, and decimated in Iran. The violation of human rights leads to the fight against these executions.

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